Çiğdem Demir
- Profesyonel
After getting the degree of B.A (graduated first award), M.A, Phd from Graphic Design Dept. - F.F.A, in Hacettepe Univ., Demir was accepted to the Dept. of Multimediali, F.F.A at Brera Univ. in Milan, Italy in 2001-02 with a schoolarship of Italian Government. Worked in the agencies in Ankara and Italy as an AD. She was the head of the Dept. of Visual Communication Design, F.F.A of Gazi Univ. for 6 years.
Demir is a design Professor, (prematurely since 2017) in the Dept. of V.C.D, F.F.A – Univ. of AHBV. Gave conferences, workshops and participated in design juries in Washington DC. USA (4 months), Lithuania, Azerbaijan and Cyprus. Has 15 personal exhibitions. partcipated in numerous National/Int. exhibitions. Her illustration was published in Luzer’s Archieve “200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 2014”. Demir also has 6 awards in graphic design (a packaging design award by GMK), a design book in English, articles in design journals. Currently produces & works in branding design, branding strategy, advertising design, illustration and exhibition design. Speaks English, Italian and Spanish.
She was twice a keynote speaker in Ankara BRAND WEEK 2019.
Co-Founder of www.wedesigntoo.com